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Were you that cast in Harvard Square?

Yes, yes we were! We had been there for over 25 years before we moved to the AMC Boston Common in 2012. 

Shadowcasting: What is it?

Shadowcasting is the act of performing the

movie in front of a movie being played. So, not only do you have the movie to watch, you have performers interacting in the crowd!

Audience Participation Bags (Or SH*T BAGS)


These are sold to the audience for $5 each or
2 for $8 as you enter the theater. Cash preferred.


Read this Prop Bag Guide before the show to be prepared!​


Bag includes:

  • Newspaper

  • Glow Stick

  • Noise Maker

  • Party Hat

  • Toilet Paper

  • Sponge

  • Playing Cards


You'll see when to use each item to participate along with the audience, actors, and movie!


Remember, since you can't throw anything at the actors or the screen if you don't buy a bag, you're a TARGET!



Join Us!


We are a volunteer, non-profit organization that is always hiring! If you are interested in joining, be advised: this is a commitment. The general expectation is that you participate nearly every week. Availability issues can be discussed. 


To join, come talk to a member of the cast after a show. We place new members on a crew first to learn the ropes of how we operate. Later, we can arrange an audition for those interested in being on stage.


Prior to auditioning, we expect you to have a decent understanding of our stage and blocking and are happy to help train you. Performers are generally required to have their own costumes, though we do have some donated pieces for community use if needed. We do not supply any make-up. Come prepared!




This is an R rated movie because: partial nudity, foul language and violence. This is an 18+ event unless you are accompanied by a guardian. IDs are checked.


This is an interactive experience. We treat this like a high class strip club. We can touch you, you can't touch us. If you wish to not take part in the policy, please inform a member of security.


Be aware: items will be thrown around during the movie, this includes cards and toilet paper.


Call back lines (audience participation lines) are a staple to the Rocky Horror experience. There will be yelling, cursing, and talking during the movie. If this is not your cup of tea, you have been warned beforehand.


*Important* Please be advised: Strobe and flashing lights are utilized throughout the movie.




  • No Outside Alcohol (The theater has a bar!)

  • No Drugs

  • No Squirt Guns

  • No Photography

  • No Rice / Real Toast / Hot Dogs / etc

  • No Open Flames

  • No Weapons

  • No Touching Performers


*Bags will be checked by security*


Absolutely no throwing ANYTHING at the screen or performers



COVID Safety


In addition to any AMC Theater, Boston, MA, or National safety requirements, the Full Body Cast will operate as follows until further notice:

  • Cast, crew, and audience members are welcome to wear a face mask, but masks are not currently required. This may change at any time.

  • Sadly, we may not have our normal level of personal contact with the audience; actors will remain on stage or in the aisles, and audience is to remain in their seats at all times.

  • We strongly recommend all cast and crew be vaccinated.


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